Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Last day of august

Well, not a bad day for me.Won mansion deathmatch at expert channel 3 with 100 kills and 79 deaths (see screenshot below) .

And goodbye august,lets say hello to september!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

To all members hu see this post!

HEY PEOPLE!!!This blog has been created for so long,but only around 5 or 6 members have visited!!Some have even left the clan! So please,please ,whenever u see members online,ask them to visit.I need ur cooperation!!Thanks!

Friday, July 31, 2009

The new clan emblem

Well,i have changed the clan picture to a new one.Pls comment on what you think of the new clan picture and pls tell me if the new one or the old one is better or i should change it.

Monday, July 20, 2009

20th July

Well,today i played mi lvl 15,and dueled a lvl 19.He called me a noob for no good reason,and challenged me to a duel.I agreed.When i won him,he said tat he was giving free kills.Obviosuly,i knew he was lying.Then,he said he was going to play serious and i was goin to die.Guess wat...i won him full hp.1st it was a duel of 10 rounds,i won 10-2.Then it was a duel of 30 rounds,i won 30-4.So overall,i won 40-6.Mi winning percentage increased by 0.9%!! A good day for me!:)(btw,the lvl 19 i fought is called Kbutta)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Clan war june record

We finished with 48 wins overall at the end june,and was ranked around 400.Improvement frm the previous month!:)

Monday, June 8, 2009

Clan war on 8th june

Well,it was a good day.We went on a streak!6 wins in a row.3 wins against resurrect,1 against exist and 2 wins against gz[pioner] clan.Exist was a clan with lots of ego,they taunted us and called us ez when they lost.Gz[pioner] was not really friendly 2,taunting us once.So much for all those big egos,they still lost to us :D.The best part was the message tat came out:S0ulslayerZ CLan defeated Resurrect Clan to record 5 wins in a row. Yea!

Btw there are still not many ppl visiting the blog!Pls type something at the chat box when u visit.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Clan war on 3rd june

Today we clan wared.Won 2 matches against a clan called Kushonly,both by 4-3 margins.However,we also lost against them once,the score was 3-4 also.First,we won 4-3 at factory.We were leading 3-0,but they made a comeback to 3-3,but nevertheless,we won the last and deciding round so we win 4-3.

The second match against kushonly was much more complicated.There were a total of 13 rounds,the longest amount of rounds i have played for a single match,as there were many draw rounds as they did not want to come up where we were camping there.Then,it went to 3-3 again at round 14,then one of their member left the room.So it was 2v1,and we won that round,and the match.However we have lost 4 matches,and our record now is 2 wins 4 loses.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Not many ppl are visiting the blog

Hmm,i have realized tat not many ppl have been visiting the blog.If u have visited the blog,pls type sth at the chat box. Ty.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Clan war rules

I suppose all,if not most, of s0ulslayerz has clan wared b4 and know the rules.But nvm,i will tell and say the rules of clan war.

Clan war is sth like a team death match between clans.You only can clan war in the clan war servers (clan war atlantic,clan war pacific).The clan which wins 4 rounds 1st is the winner.Clan war can be played in 2v2, 3v3,4v4 matches. You cant play 5v5 matches or higher.

The time limit for each round is 5 mins.If after 5 mins,(e.g the same amount of ppl in each clan alive,which could mean 2 ppl in s0ulslayerz and 2 ppl in martell alive),it would be considered as a draw game.So if the score is 1-0,the score would remain the same after a draw game.

When you are leading (eg 1-0,2-1 etc.),and you leave the game room,the match would be considered as a draw.That means remain the same.However,if you are losing or drawing (e.g 1-1 or losing 1-2) and u leave the game room,the other clan would win and u would lose.So if ure record is 1 win and 1 lose b4 the game,the record would now be 1 win and 2 loses.